четвртак, 22. децембар 2011.

Nutritional Tips Against Alopecia

Alopecia Areata is patchy baldness which typically begins with patchy hair loss on the scalp and sometimes progresses to complete baldness and even loss of body hair. The hair loss tends to be rather rapid and asymmetrical and is different than male pattern baldness.

One main hair loss solution is ability to have a proper nutritional diet that will produce much needed nutrients in our hair, eating foods rich in fiber, protein and vitamin C helps lessen the possibility of hair loss. Medical experts agree that hair loss occurs on individuals with certain deficiencies in some important nutrients. A healthy diet can be rightfully called as an effective hair loss solution.

Following these nutritional tips may help reduce symptoms:
• Eliminate potential food allergens, including dairy, wheat (gluten), corn, soy, preservatives, and food additives. Your health care provider may want to test you for food sensitivities.
• Eat foods high in B-vitamins and iron, such as whole grains (if no allergy), dark leafy greens, and sea vegetables.
• Eat antioxidant foods, including fruits (such as blueberries, cherries, and tomatoes), and vegetables (such as squashes and peppers).
• Avoid refined foods such as white breads, pastas, and sugar.
• Eat fewer red meats and more lean meats, cold water fish, tofu (soy, if no allergy) or beans for protein.
• Use healthy oils in foods, such as olive oil or vegetable oil.
• Reduce or eliminate trans fatty acids, found in commercially baked goods such as cookies, crackers, cakes, French fries, onion rings, donuts, processed foods, and margarine.
• Avoid coffee and other stimulants, alcohol, and tobacco.
• Drink 6 - 8 glasses of filtered water daily.
• Exercise at least 30 minutes daily, 5 days a week.

You may be able to address nutritional deficiencies with the following supplements:
• A multivitamin daily, containing the antioxidant vitamins A, C, E, the B-complex vitamins, and trace minerals, such as magnesium, calcium, zinc, and selenium.
• Omega-3 fatty acids, such as fish oil, 1-2 capsules or 1 tablespoonful of oil daily, to help decrease inflammation. Fish oils may increase bleeding in sensitive individuals, such as those taking blood thinning mediations (including aspirin).
• Vitamin C, 500 - 1,000 mg 2 times daily, as an antioxidant.
• L-lysine, 500 - 1,000 mg daily, for hair loss.
• B-complex vitamins, 1 tablet daily, for symptoms of stress.

Marbo Hair collections are for 100 % natural hair care. Marbo Activator is 100% natural formula for treatment of disease Alopecia Areata . Does not contain drug and have no side effects. It activates growth of new hair on bald spots ant it is effective in all cases. This product can be effectively used for loss of all body and face hair. Using regularly Marbo Activator stimulates new hair growth on thinning scalp and bald regions, while your hair becomes firmer and healthier. Now, all Marbo Hair products like Marbo Shampoo or Marbo lotion are available in Marbo Online Store at https://marbohair.com/store/

среда, 21. децембар 2011.


Reč Alopecija na grčkom jeziku znači lisičja šuga, a u medicinskoj terminologiji označava pojavu opadanja kose, tj. ćelavost. Ovo je nasledni oblik progresivnog gubitka kose a posledica je povišene osetljivosti folikula kose na androgene (muške polne hormone), prvenstveno na testosteron. Tip nasleđivanja nije tačno utvrđen. S obzirom na to da u mehanizmu nastanka bolesti glavnu ulogu imaju polni hormoni, to se bolest javlja posle puberteta. Počinje najčešće između 18. i 25. godine života, ali kod žena može početi i do 40. godine.

Uzroci opadanja kose mogu da budu različiti spoljašnji ili unutrašnji faktori. Spoljašnji, koji najčešće oštećuju kosu, jesu povrede temena, dugotrajni mehanički pritisak na teme zbog čvrstog stezanja pletenica ili nervoznog čupkanja kose. Osim toga, kosa može da bude oštećena i hemikalijama. Ravnomerno opadanje kose na celom temenu često izazivaju hormonski poremećaji, kao što su pojačani ili smanjeni rad štitaste žlezde, na primer. A pod uticajem hormona, kosa može da opada jače posle porođaja, pobačaja i u klimaksu. Neretko, opadanje kose može biti posledica određenih stresnih situacija: težak emocionalni stres, porođaj, visoka telesna temperatura, operacija, smanjena funkcija tireoidne žlezde, različite hronične sistemske bolesti, upotreba nekih lekova.

Češće oboljevaju žene nego muškarci, a prve promene su u kosi, mada mogu nastati i u obrvama, trepavicama, bradi muškaraca, kao i na oboleloj koži.
Vrste alopecije:
• Ofijaza – potiče od reči „ophis” (zmija) i označava širenje alopecije duž potiljačne ivice kosmatog dela glave. Ovo je znak ozbiljnog oblika alopecije koja vodi do potpunog gubitka kose.
• Alopecia totalis - je potpuni gubitak kose, dok je dlaka tela očuvana i obično počinje sa okruglim pečatima koji se brzo šire i slivaju.
• Alopecia universalis – je najteži oblik, jer nedostaje kosa, brada, obrve, trepavice, pazušne, stidne i sitne dlake. Koža je u celini bleda i bez tonusa.
Alopecija totalis i Alopecija universalis se nazivaju i maligne alopecije, jer spontano kosa veoma retko poraste. Kod težih oblika alopecije sreću se i promene na noktima koji su izbrazdani, s tačkastim ugnućima i iskrzanim ivicama, a mogu se javiti i promene na očima, katarakta.

Postoji još jedan tip ćelavosti koji se zove Alopecia Areata , kada kosa opada “na pečate”, pa na glavi ostaju okrugla, jasno ograničena polja na kojima dlaka potpuno nedostaje. Uzrok ovog oboljenja nije poznat, uočava se porodična pojava u četvrtini slučajeva, ali se smatra da je ova bolest autoimune prirode jer se često javlja udružena sa drugim autoimunim bolestima.

Netačna su nagađanja da je ćelavost posledica dugogodišnjeg nošenja duge kose ili nošenja kapa i šešira. Kao posledica mehaničkih povreda, nekih infekcija i oboljenja koja dovode do stvaranja ožiljka na kosmatom delu glave, javlja se trajni gubitak kose na mestu ožiljka.

Dermatološki ispitan Marbo Aktivator najuspešniji prirodni preparat za tretiranje alopecie areate. Koji se koristi u lečenju alopecie areate. Napravljen od prirodnih sastojaka - biljnih ekstrakata odabranog lekovitog bilja koji stimulišu rast kose. Nežan je za kosu i nema neželjenih posledica čak i nakon višemesečne kontinualne primene. Brzo se apsorbuje i ne ostavlja masan talog. Sačinjen od: Rosmarinus officinalis, Utrica dioica, Hedera helix, Salvia officialis, Juglans regia, Actum loppa, Allium sativum, Betula alba, Matricaria chamomilla, Salix alba...

Sve proizvode iz kolekcije Marbo Kosa , Marbo Aktivator, Marbo Losion I Marbo Šampon mozete naručiti na online prodavnici https://marbohair.com/store/

петак, 16. децембар 2011.

Truth On Alopecia Areata?

Truth On Alopecia Areata?

Alopecia areata cause is still a thing of mystery. Alopecia causes hair loss from areas of the body, usually the scalp. It causes bald spots on the head especially in the first stage. And thus it has the nickname "spot baldness". In 1-2 % of cases the condition is found to be spreading to the entire scalp or epidermis (the outermost layer of the skin). Rarely, the disease causes total loss of hair on the head or complete loss of hair on the head, face, and body.

Alopecia areata can be divided into the following types:

• Alopecia areata monolocularis - It causes baldness in only one spot in any part of the head.
• Alopecia areata multilocularis - It reults into multiple area of hair loss.
• Alopecia areata totalis - In this case the alopecia areata causes the loss of all the hair on the scalp.
• Alopecia areata universalis - Its symptom is the loss of all body hair including public hair. The condition is called Alopecia areata barbae if it is limited only to the beard.
• Diffuse alopecia areata - It happens when a psychological trauma causes a person to lose all his dark hairs. And leave him only with mixed grey and dark hairs.

Alopecia areata tends to occur most often in children and young adults. However, it can also affect older individuals. If you notice that you are losing hair in unusual number, then a trip to specialist is recommended. These experts will know what is causing it and can prescribe a cure. Symptom of Alopecia that needs to be monitored is baldness. The condition is defined as loss of scalp hair. Take note that alopecia does not affect scalp hair only. It is observed to be present in body hair as well. The vast majority of people who get alopecia areata are healthy and do not need blood tests or further medical evaluation.

Many people would think that alopecia treatments are medications and lotions but dealing with alopecia starts with counseling. This autoimmune disease is thought to run in the family, so it is extremely likely that a relative has this condition. Before a conclusive diagnosis has been reached, your doctor will ask you about any past medical problems you may have had. It is important that the person fully understands his or her particular hair-loss condition, especially when considering going through certain medical treatment processes or using prescription drugs.

There are several different treatments to aid hair regrowth in alopecia areata. One of the many are activators, hair loss lotions and Hair loss shampoo . These can help you regrow new hair and may even be able to cut down on the amount of hair that is lost. Some of these product are even 100 % natural, like Marbo Hair .

Hair regrowth in alopecia areata can seem like a constant battle. There is no cure for autoimmune disorders at this time, only ways to suppress them. This means that it will be something you will battle for the rest of your life.

Marbo Activator is 100% natural formula that activates growth of new hair on thinning and bald regions. Effective in most cases of hair loss, especially ALOPECIA AREATA. This product can be effectively used for loss of all body and face hair. Using regularly Marbo Activator stimulates new hair growth on thinning scalp and bald regions, while your hair becomes firmer and healthierhttp://marbohair.com/

уторак, 13. децембар 2011.

Androgenetic Alopecia

Androgenetic Alopecia

Androgenetic Alopecia is the most frequent cause of hair loss in the world, affecting both men and women. It is genetically determined and generally becomes visible in men at an age of 20 while in women at an age of 30 onwards. It is really necessary to understand the phases of hair growth when we discuss hair loss. Hair growth has three phases:

• Anagen (the growth phase),
• Catagen (the regressing phase),
• Telogen (the resting or quiescent phase).

Because of the influence of androgens, the follicles in the temporal, frontal and vertex area of the scalp progressively show a shortening of the Anagen phase, accompanied by miniaturization of the hair follicles. A greater proportion of hair on the scalp enters into Telogen phase leading to accumulating loss. Androgenetic alopecia affects the hair cycle of the scalp in both men and women. It affects the percentage of hairs in Anagen phase and the duration of Anagen diminishes in areas affected by Androgenetic alopecia which results in shorter hairs. Because of these developments, more hairs are in the Telogen phase and much more subject to hair loss affecting the apparent density of the hair.

In men, this condition is also known as male-pattern baldness. The hair loss in men with Androgenetic Alopecia may begin at any time after puberty and it happens when serum androgen levels rise above the low level found in young boys. It starts with a bitemporal recession of hair and the density of hair tends to diminish with age. Although it is difficult to predict the pattern of hair loss in young men, it is proven that men losing hair in their early 20s will lose their hair most extensively if it is because of alopecia. Hair is lost in a well-defined pattern in some men, beginning above both temples. Over time, the hairline recedes to form a characteristic "M" shape. Hair also thins at the crown (near the top of the head), often progressing to partial or complete baldness.

Androgenetic alopecia in men has been associated with several medical conditions including coronary heart disease and enlargement of the prostate. Additionally, prostate cancer, disorders of insulin resistance (such as diabetes and obesity), and high blood pressure (hypertension) have been related to Androgenetic alopecia.

Androgenetic Alopecia in women, the hair loss in women because of Androgenetic alopecia is likely to be first noticed throughout 30s and early forties. It happens because of the hormonal changes in women. The institution or discontinuation of contraceptive pills can cause hormonal changes leading to Androgenetic Alopecia. Women rarely go bald and the end result of Androgenetic Alopecia is a visible decrease in density of hair. This condition can go worse because of iron deficiency or low thyroid activity leading to further thinning of the hair.

We present the Marbo Hair collection, for 100 % natural hair care. All products are made of pure herbal extracts; they have strong effect and quick results, which is proven through twenty years dermatological practice. Marbo Activator is 100% natural formula for treatment of disease Alopecia Areata (appearance of bald patches). It activates growth of new hair on bald spots ant it is effective in all cases, from the mildest, with only one or several affected spots, to alopecia totalis, which results in complete loss of hair. It is gentle on the skin and causes no adverse effects even after months of continuous use. It is absorbed quickly and leaves no greasy residue. It has been confirmed dermatologically that Marbo Activator is one of the most successful natural preparations for treatment of Alopecia Areata. This product can be effectively used for loss of all body and face hair. Does not contain drug and have no side effects. All Marbo Hair Products you can find in online store at https://marbohair.com/store/.

петак, 9. децембар 2011.

Opadanje Kose - Alopecija

Alopecija je medicinski naziv za gubitak kose ili ćelavost i u 95% slučajeva kod muškaraca se javlja androgena alopecija. Androgea alopecija je nasljedna i u 25% slučajeva se javlja prije 30-te godine života a kod 2/3 muškaraca se javlja do 60-te godine života. Kod žena je alopecija daleko rijeđe stanje.

Alopecija areata (gubljenje kose u pečatima) predstavlja privremeni gubitak kose i ne nastaje kao rezultat oštećenja korijena kose.

Dlaka kose je građena od proteina keratina od koga su građeni i nokti, a ulazi i u sastav kože. Vlas kose raste 15 mm mjesečno i živi 10 godina. 90% dlaka se nalazi u fazi aktivnog rasta, 1% u fazi kada prestanu rasti (ova faza traje nekoliko tjedana) i ostale vlasi su u fazi opadanja koja traje oko 100 dana. Dnevno odrasloj osobi u prosjeku odpadne 50 do 100 dlaka kose.

Nasljedno prorjeđenje kose poznato i kao androgena alopecija se javlja kod polovice muške populacije u 40-tim godinama života, pa je mnogi smatraju normalnim procesom starenja kod muškaraca.

Osoba može nasljediti gene odgovorne za gubitak kose od roditelja, ali je ovo gubljenje kose vezano i za androgen - hormon koji stimulira iskazivanje osobina tipičnih za muškarce. Androgeni skraćuju fazu u kojoj vlasi rastu čime se povećava broj vlasi koji su u fazi u kojoj nema aktivnosti i na kraju koje opadaju.
Kod muškaraca se javlja tipično prorjeđenje kose na prednjem dijelu glave i može se pojaviti već kod adolescenata. Kod malog broja žena se takođe može pojaviti alopecija koja se javlja oko 30-te godine života, a postaje vidljiva tek oko 40-te godine.

Minoksidil je odobrila FDA (Food and Drug Administration), a djeluje tako što stimulira rast kose i spriječava njeno dalje prorjeđivanje. ALOMAX otopina (1 ml otopine sadržava 20 mg minoksidila) širi krvne žile te poboljšava protok krvi kroz kožu glave. Ujutro i uvečer nanese se po 1 ml otopine na suhu kožu tjemena koja je bez kose te se blago utrlja od središta prema rubovima. Pritisne se na pumpicu 10 puta i dobije se količina od 1 ml otopine. Ukupna dnevna doza ne smije biti veća od 2 ml.

Transplantacija kose se vrši tako što se skidaju dijelovi kože sa kosom obično na zadnjem dijelu glave i presađuju se na prednji dio glave gdje je kosa opala. Obično se presađivanje kose vrši kroz par operacija tijekom par mjeseci. Ova procedura je bolna, zahtijeva vrijeme, a postoji opasnost od stvaranja ožiljaka.

Alopecija je povezana sa prehranom i zdravljem kompletnog organizma. Rešite se loših navika, smanjite stres i počnete se baviti sportom. Kvalitet ishrane je jako bitan, potrebno je povećati unos ekološki uzgojenog voća, povrća i svežih sokova.
Predstavljamo vam lokalno sredstvo-aktivator sa registrovanim imenom Marbo Aktivator - koji se koristi u lečenju alopecie areate. Napravljen od prirodnih sastojaka - biljnih ekstrakata odabranog lekovitog bilja koji stimulišu rast kose. Nežan je za kosu i nema neželjenih posledica čak i nakon višemesečne kontinualne primene. Brzo se apsorbuje i ne ostavlja masan talog. Za najbolje rezultate koristiti ga uporedo sa ostalim proizvodima iz kolekcije Marbo Kosa .

Marbo Sampon protiv ispadanja kose, sa biljnim česticama je jedinstven spoj lekovitog bilja. Aktivni sastojci koprive bogati vitaminima i mineralnim solima potiču lokalnu cirkulaciju i obnovu korena dlake. Ekstrakti kadulje i ružmarina reguliraju lučenje sebuma, sprečavaju mašćenje kose i umiruju svrab i iritacije kože glave. Kod jačih oblika seboreičnog dermatitisa i perutanja, preporuča se koristiti ga uz Marbo Losion .

среда, 7. децембар 2011.

Alopecia Areata Causes And Treatment With Marbo Hair

Alopecia Areata  Causes And Treatment With Marbo Hair

A condition called Alopecia areata is when large round patches of hair loss appear. Apparently, the hair-growing tissue starts being attacked by the person's own immune system. It is the erratic hair loss disorder that affects around 2 % population of this world. Researchers are constantly working on the possible alopecia areata causes, diagnosis and treatment. Alopecia areata treatment has undergone a huge transition in the span of last 10 years.

Alopecia areata cause is connected to other autoimmune disease. This disease can also be connected to other autoimmune diseases:

  • lupus (chronic disorder that usually affects skin, joints or kidneys),
  • thyroid disease (impaired function of the thyroid gland),
  • vitiligo (condition causing depigmentation of patches of skin),
  • rheumatoid arthritis,
  • some allergic disorders and,
  • diabetes.

Emotional and mental stress could also be the alopecia areata cause, as well as trauma, relocation, death in the family, pregnancy, illness, accident or other major life changes. If not the cause itself, with the people carrying the gene, it can be the trigger for the onset of the condition.

Before a conclusive diagnosis has been reached, your doctor will ask you about any past medical problems you may have had. Because you suffer from this condition you are likely to develop other autoimmune diseases, if your doctor feels that this could be an issue he or she will refer your for tests. Alopecia treatments will vary on the severity of the hair loss. For relatively mild hair loss you may not wish to have treatment.

Alopecia treatments can be effective for some people, finding a suitable treatment will take time and to begin with you may not find any that seem to work. Persist with looking and you will find a treatment that suits you. If you are worried or if you feel down, know that you are not alone, many people suffer with this problem and the feelings you have regarding your hair loss are normal.

But now let`s find out how to fight with hair loss problems. We present you the Marbo Hair collection, for 100 % natural hair care. All products are made of pure herbal extracts; they have strong effect and quick results, which is proven through twenty years dermatological practiceIt activates growth of new hair on bald spots ant it is effective in all cases, from the mildest, with only one or several affected spots, to alopecia totalis, which results in complete loss of hair. It is gentle on the skin and causes no adverse effects even after months of continuous use. It is absorbed quickly and leaves no greasy residue. It has been confirmed dermatologically that Marbo Activator is one of the most successful natural preparations for treatment of Alopecia Areata. This product can be effectively used for loss of all body and face hair. Does not contain drug and have no side effects.

Marbo Activator  is 100% natural formula that activates growth of new hair on thinning and bald regions. Effective in most cases of hair loss especially ALOPECIA AREATA. This product can be effectively used for loss of all body and face hair. Using regularly Marbo Activator stimulates new hair growth on thinning scalp and bald regions, while your hair becomes firmer and healthier.

Marbo Lotion is 100% natural lotion for hair loss prevention. Quickly stops hair loss regardless of its cause. This product is very easy to use with fast results. We highly recommend to use this product together with our Marbo Shampoo 03 for best results.

Marbo Shampoo against hair loss, contains herbal ingredients from different medicinal herbs. Active ingredients full of vitamins and mineral salts stimulate local circulation and hair root renewal. Sage and rosemary extracts regulate sebum secretion, prevent scalp greasing and soothe scalp itching and irritation. In case of serious seborrhoeic dermatitis and dandruff, we recommend using it in combination with Marbo Lotion.

понедељак, 5. децембар 2011.

How To Fight Alopecia Areata

How To Fight Alopecia Areata

There are a variety of different reasons why men and women could be suffering from hair loss. There are so many different treatment options available that claim to treat all of these different causes. If you are suffering from sudden hair loss see your doctor immediately. This could potentially be a sign of a serious medical condition. Hair loss also might be a side effect of taking a prescription drug. Hair loss is usually caused by hereditary factors. The term male pattern baldness is often used to describe this type of hair loss.

Alopecia Areata is the loss or thinning of hair. There are two types of alopecia: scarring, in which hair follicles are destroyed, and nonscarring, which can be reversed.

Alopecia research ranges from the most basic studies of the mechanisms of hair growth and hair loss in mice to testing medications and ways to apply medications to help regrow hair in people. Both the National Institutes of Health and the National Alopecia Areata Foundation support research into the disease and its treatment. Here are some areas of research that hold promise.

  • Developing an animal model – This is a critical first step toward understanding the disease, and much progress has been made. Researchers have identified an inbred strain of mice that spontaneously develops a condition similar to the adult-onset form of alopecia areata. This mouse model has already allowed researchers to identify some genetic factors that are involved in development of the disease. By studying mice with a disease similar to human alopecia areata, researchers hope to learn more about the mechanism of the disease and eventually develop immune system treatments for the disease in people.
  • Mapping genes – Scientists are studying the possible genetic causes and mechanism of the disease both in families that have one or more people with the disease and in the general population. An understanding of the genetics of the disorder will aid in disease prevention, early intervention, and development of specific therapies.
  • Studying hair follicle development – By studying how hair follicles form in mouse embryos, researchers hope to gain a better understanding of hair cycle biology that may lead to treatments for the underlying disease process.
  • Understanding stem cell biology – Epithelial stem cells are immature cells that are responsible for regenerating and maintaining a variety of tissues, including the skin and the hair follicles. Stem cells in the follicle appear to be spared from injury in alopecia areata, which may explain why the potential for regrowth is always there in people with the disease. By studying the biology of these cells, scientists hope to gain a better understanding of factors that trigger the disease.

While there are proven drugs that help with the treatment of hair loss some people would rather not deal with the potential side effects of prescription drugs. There are many different natural options out there for people looking for alternatives. However, you should understand the causes of your hair loss before trying any of these hair lossproducts. You should consult a doctor if you’re experiencing hair shedding because it might be a sign of a more serious medical condition.

For genetic hair loss problems you might want to look into natural treatments that specifically target DHT. Marbo Hair is a very popular supplement for people looking for a natural alopecia cure. There is a lot of information on the web about Marbo Hair products (activator, hair loss shampoo, lotion) and its potential for dealing with AA. This product can be effectively used for loss of all body and face hair. Using regularly Marbo Activator stimulates new hair growth on thinning scalp and bald regions, while your hair becomes firmer and healthier.

среда, 16. новембар 2011.

Marbo Kosa Protiv Alopecije

Marbo Kosa Protiv Alopecije

Većina ljudi gubi 50 - 100 dlaka svakoga dana. Pošto na glavi ima oko 100 000 dlaka, ovo prolazi skoro neopaženo. Postepeno stanjivanje kose se smatra normalnim delom starenja. Može da se javi kao posledica nekog drugog oboljenja: nekoliko meseci posle preležane bolesti, operacije, porođaja, hormonskih poremećaja (tireoidni hormoni, testosteron, estrogen), upale zuba, upale unutrašnjih organa, anemije. Kod žena su najčešći „krivci“ stres, anemija i menopauza. Mlade majke često se susreću sa ispadanjem kose nakon porodjaja. Smatra se, da su kod muškaraca za gubitak kose krivi geni i hormoni. Gubitak kose takođe može biti uzrokovan gljivicama. Kosa može otpadati zbog kemoterapije i nekih drugih lekova.

Alopecia areata se karakteriše naglom pojavom jednog ili više kružnih, jasno ograničenih areala bez dlake, različitog promera, lokalizvanog najčešće na kapilicijumu, a ređe na nekom drugom predelu tela (obrve, brada, brkovi, ruke ili noge). Na ivicama obolelog mesta kosa se lako izvlači.

Gubitak kose je problem, aktualan za većinu ljudi na ovom planetu. Prema statistikama, gubitak kose se javlja kod 70% muškaraca. Smatra se da je kod žena alopecija puno rjeđe stanje, ali statistike pokazuju suprotno – oko 2/3 žena će se suočiti sa gubitkom kose prije ili kasnije u životu. Na sreću, kod žena gubitak kose obično ne završava potpunom ćelavošću, kao što je slučaj kod muškaraca.

Etiologija alopecia areata je nepoznata. Iako su mnogi slučajevi nastali posle jakog emocionalnog stresa, do sada nije egzaktno dokazana patogeneza stresom uslovljenih alopecija areata. Do pre desetak godina svi slučajevi alopecia areata ispitivani su u vezi sa fokusom (dentalni fokusi, hronični tonzilitisi i sinuzitis). U najnovije vreme fokusima gotovo da se i ne pridaje značaj. Alopecia areata može se registrovati u više članova jedne porodice (naravno, ne istovremeno). O ulozi genetske dispozicije u pojavi alopecie areate postoje različiti stavovi: neki autori našli su pozitivnu porodičnu anamnezu u čak 27% svih pacijenata sa alopecijom areatom, a neki familijarnu disponiranost negiraju.

Na tržištu postoji mnoštvo proizvoda protiv ispadanja kose, za koje se tvrdi da će spriječiti alopeciju, čak i povratiti izgubljenu kosu. Na žalost, ponekad reklame preuveličavaju dobrobiti proizvoda. Ali osobu, koja pati od gubitka kose, zanima samo jedno pitanje: „Da li će mi ovaj proizvod pomoći?“ Za lečenje alopecije potrebno vrijeme i strpljenje.  Osim toga, preporučujemo da dobro proučite informacije o proizvodu prije nego što ga kupite. Na pitanje „Da  li se alopecija može izlečiti?“ – Priroda daje pozitivan odgovor. Prirodna medicina nudi nekoliko načina rešenja ovog problema alopecije.

Najprije, potrebno je napomenuti da ni jedna metoda ne daje brzi rezultat. Nemoguće je oćelaviti za jedan dan - za to treba nekoliko mjeseci ili nekoliko godina. Slično tome, potrebno je duže vremena, da kosa počne ponovno rasti.  Rezultati terapije obično se vide nakon nekoliko mjeseci svakodnevnog korištenja. Budite uporni i ne odustajte.

Alopecija je povezana sa prehranom i zdravljem kompletnog organizma. Sve je u našem organizmu međusobno povezano, zbog toga zdravlje kose zavisi od zdravlja celog organizma. Ako imate problema sa ispadanjem kose, alternativna medicina preporučuje da poboljšate prehranu, rešite se loših navika, smanjite stres i počnete se baviti sportom. Kvalitet ishrane je jako bitan, potrebno je povećati unos ekološki uzgojenog voća, povrća i svežih sokova.

Predstavljamo vam lokalno sredstvo-aktivator sa registrovanim imenom Marbo Aktivator - koji se koristi u lečenju alopecie areate. Napravljen od prirodnih sastojaka. Brzo se apsorbuje i ne ostavlja masan talog. Dermatološki ispitan Marbo Aktivator najuspešniji prirodni preparat za tretiranje alopecie areate. Marbo Kosa

уторак, 8. новембар 2011.

Alopecia areata

Alopecia areata

Alopecia areata se karakteriše naglom pojavom jednog ili više kružnih, jasno ograničenih areala bez dlake, različitog promera, lokalizvanog najčešće na kapilicijumu, a ređe na nekom drugom predelu tela (obrve, brada, brkovi, ruke ili noge).Na ivicama obolelog mesta kosa se lako izvlači.


Etiologija alopecia areata je nepoznata. Iako su mnogi slučajevi nastali posle jakog emocionalnog stresa, do sada nije egzaktno dokazana patogeneza stresom uslovljenih alopecija areata. Do pre desetak godina svi slučajevi alopecia areata ispitivani su u vezi sa fokusom (dentalni fokusi, hronični tonzilitisi i sinuzitis). U najnovije vreme fokusima gotovo da se i ne pridaje značaj. Alopecia areata može se registrovati u više članova jedne porodice (naravno, ne istovremeno). O ulozi genetske dispozicije u pojavi alopecie areate postoje različiti stavovi: neki autori našli su pozitivnu porodičnu anamnezu u čak 27% svih pacijenata sa alopecijom areatom, a neki familijarnu disponiranost negiraju.

Kada je u pitanju savremeni koncept etio-patogeneze alopecie areate, smatra se da je bitan autoimuni mehanizam na komponente folikula dlake. U prilog razmatranja alopecie areate kao autoimunog događaja govori više činjenica. Histo-patološkim nalazom potvrđuje se postojanje limfocitiranog infiltrata oko bulbusa dlake na alopetičnim arealima. Metodom direktne imunofluorescentne tehnike (DIF) nalaze se u većini slučajeva depoziti C3-komponente u folikulima dlaka. Alopecia areata može, izuzetno, biti udružena sa poremećajem funkcije timusa, autoimunim tireoiditisom Hashimoto ili vitiligom. Nalaz anti -HF-antitela protiv folikula dlake kod osoba sa alopeciom areatom u visokom titru u serumu i nalaz sniženih vrednosti CD 44 glikoproteina ćelijske membrane znojnih žlezda na alopetičnim arealima, za koje se pretpostavlja da učestvuju u regulaciji imunološkog odgovora na celularnom nivou činjenice su koje idu u prilog autoimunoj teoriji.

Najnovijim istraživanjima medotom monoklonskih antitela dokazano je postojanje smanjene ekspresivnosti citokeratina 16 (CK-16) u folikulima dlaka na alopetičnim arealima kod alopecie areate. Kako je citokeratin, koji se u normanlnim folikulima nalazi u unutrašnjem omotaču korena dlake i dermalnoj papili, marker epitelijalne diferencijacije, otvoreno je i pitanje značaja poremećaja epitelijalne proliferacije tokom ciklusa rasta dlaka za etio-patogenezu alopecie areate.

Klinička slika

Za alopeciu areatu karakteristična je nagla pojava ograničenih kružnih i ovalnih alopetičnih areala različitog promera (sl. 17). Broj ovih areala je različit, od jednog do više njih. Ukoliko se periferno šire, mogu zahvatiti veću površinu kapilicijuma. Ukoliko postoji više alopetičnih areala koji se šire, može doći do njegovog međusobnog sastavljanja i formiranja većih alopetičnih areala nepravilnog oblika ili ređe, do totalne alopecie koja se najčešće viđa na kapilicijumu (sl. 18, 19). Alopetični areal koji zahvata okcipitalnu (potiljačnu) regiju kapilicijuma naziva se ofiazom (ophyasis). Ofiaaza se smatra klinički lošim prognostičkim znakom, jer često pokazuje tendenciju ka razvoju u totalnu alopeciu.Kod klasičnih oblika terapije dok terapija Marbo Aktivator rešava problem u 95% slučajeva.

Iako se alopecia areata najčešće viđa na kapilicijumu, može se razviti na bilo kojoj regiji kože: obrvama, trepavicama, bradi, brkovima, telu, rukama ili nogama, a izuzetno istovremeno na svim, što uzrokuje razvoj univerzalne alopecie (alopecia universalis). One alopecije areate koje progrediraju u totalne ili univerzalne označavaju se kao maligne, za razliku od daleko češćih, benignih, koje imaju dobru prognozu.

Do spontanog popunjavanja dogorelih areala može doći u roku od nekoliko meseci ili se nove promene javljaju tokom 3-6 nedelja, a potom ciklično u različitim vremenskim intervalima.

Alopecia areata je često,obično benigno, hronično oboljenje kose čiji uzroci još uvek nisu potpuno ispitani. Alopecia areata se može pojaviti bez predhodnog upozorenja kod oba pola u ma kom starosnom dobu, najčešće između 20-40 godina života. Karakterističan simptom Alopecie areate je pojava jasno oivičenih mesta, pečata, bez kose. Kod 60% obolelih oboljenje započinje u kopilicijumu pojavom polja prečnika od oko 0,5mm 1cm na kome dlake potpuno nedostaju. Kože poglavine nepromenjene je boje, a na ivicama obolelog mesta kosa se lako izvlači. Nakonpojave prvog obolelog kruga slede ostali i spajaju se formirajući veće površine bez kose.

Gubitak obrva i trepavica čest je kod obolelih i može predstavljati jedini znak oboljenja. Nakon pojave početne promene oboljenje može poprimiti različiti tok.Do spontanog popunjavanja ogolelih pečata može doći u roku od nekoliko meseci ili se nove promene javljaju tokom 3-6 nedelja, a potom ciklično u različitim vremenskim intervalima.

Ponovni rast kose može započeti na jednom, uz istovremenu progresiju na drugim mestima. Dlaka je u početku tanka i slabo pigmentovana, a kasnije poprima uobičajenu debljinu i boju. Emocionalni stresni događaji često predhode pojavi novih ili pogoršavanju već postojećih promena kod obolelih od Alopecie areate, a da u drugim njihova uloga nema nikakvog značaja. Izuzetak predstavljaju slučajevi u kojima emocionalni stres nastaje sekundarno kao posledica nastalih pečata.

Različita su mišljenja o uzrocima pojave ovog oboljenja. Većina stručnjaka smatra da je Alopecia areata autoimunsko oboljenje kod kojeg genetski faktori značajno utiču na tok i prognozu oboljenja. Da je Alopecija areata autoimunsko oboljenje ukazuje i njena značajno često udruženost sa drugim autoimunskim bolestima.

Najveći broj slučajeva Alopecie areate ima dobru prognozu i ne zahteva čak ni lokalno lečenje. Kod klasičnih oblika Alopecie araate postoje izgledi za spontani porast dlake koji bi trebalo da se javi u prvih 6 meseci. Pravila ne postoje. Poznato je u klasičnoj medicini ne postoji lek koji bi doveo do trajnog izlečenja s obzirom da različiti činioci prisutni kod obolelog utiču na tok i prognozu bolesti.

Predstavljamo vam lokalno sredstvo-aktivator sa registrovanim imenom MARBOAKTIVATOR - koji se koristi u lečenju alopecie areate. Napravljen od prirodnih sastojaka - biljnih ekstrakata odabranog lekovitog bilja koji stimulišu rast kose. Nežan je za kosu i nema neželjenih posledica čak i nakon višemesečne kontinualne primene. Brzo se apsorbuje i ne ostavlja masan talog. Dermatološki ispitan Marbo Aktivator najuspešniji prirodni preparat za tretiranje alopecie areate.



Marbo Aktivator se nanosi direktno na obolela mesta jednom dnevno blagim utrljavanjem dok se potpuno ne upije, ali ne duže od 5 minuta. Aktivator stimuliše mikrocirkulaciju i fitogenski uticaj u cilju revitalizacije folikula na ogoljenim mestima. Dužina trajanja tretmana zavisi od kliničke slike - prosečno trajanje bilo je oko 2 godine za totalne (maligne) slučajeve alopecie areate. Dugi periodi upotrebe aktivatora nisu rezultirali neželjenim efektima.

понедељак, 7. новембар 2011.



Predstavljamo vam lokalno sredstvo-aktivator sa registrovanim imenom MARBOAKTIVATOR - koji se koristi u lečenju alopecie areate. Napravljen od prirodnih sastojaka - biljnih ekstrakata odabranog lekovitog bilja koji stimulišu rast kose. Nežan je za kosu i nema neželjenih posledica čak i nakon višemesečne kontinualne primene. Brzo se apsorbuje i ne ostavlja masan talog.

Dermatološki ispitan Marbo Aktivator najuspešniji prirodni preparat za tretiranje alopecie areate.


MARBO Aktivator se nanosi direktno na obolela mesta jednom dnevno blagim utrljavanjem dok se potpuno ne upije, ali ne duže od 5 minuta. Aktivator stimuliše mikrocirkulaciju i fitogenski uticaj u cilju revitalizacije folikula na ogoljenim mestima. Dužina trajanja tretmana zavisi od kliničke slike - prosečno trajanje bilo je oko 2 godine za totalne (maligne) slučajeve alopecie areate. Dugi periodi upotrebe aktivatora nisu rezultirali neželjenim efektima.

Upotreba: Promućkati pre upotrebe i naneti na ogolela mesta.

Efikasnost Marbo Aktivatora testirana je na pacijentima koji su patili od različitih oblika oboljenja - benigne forme, forme sa nepovoljnim prognozama (ophiasis) i pacijentima sa totalnom (malignom) formom oboljenja. Retrospektivno ispitivanje sprovedeno tokom perioda 1992-1998 obuhvatilo je 437 pacijenta oba pola sa raznovrsnom topografskom raspodelom pečata na skalpu.

Benigni oblik bolesti diagnostikovan je u 376 slučajeva (86,04%), ophiasis u 54 slučaja (12,36%) i totalna (maligna) forma alopecie u 7 slučajeva (1,60%)

Od ukupnog broja od 437 (100%) posmatranih slučajeva efikasnost nije bilo moguće utvrditi u 89 slučajeva (29,36%) jer se ovi pacijenti nisu pojavili na kontrolnim pregledima. Prema topografskoj distribuciji bilo je 67 benignih slučajeva (72,58%), 20 ophiasis (22,47%) i u 2 slučaja malignog oboljenja (2,25%).

U prvoj grupi benignih slučajeva , od 309 ispitivanih slučajeva efikasnost je potvrđena u 211 (68,29%), u 53 slučaja (17,15%) terapija je stimulisala obnovu folikula-pojavu velus dlaka i "natečene folikule", a u 45 slučajeva (14,56%) klinička slika ostala je nepromenjena.

U grupi pacijenata koji su imali drugi oblik Alopecija areata-ophasis- od 34 ispitivana slučaja efikasnost aktivatora dokazana je u 19 slučajeva (55,90%), u 8 slučajeva terapija je stimulisala obnovu folikula - pojavu velus dlaka i "natečene folikule", a u 2 slučaja (40%) klinička slika ostala je nepromenjena.

Nakvasiti parče gaze aktivatorom i umasirati na ogolela mesta dvaput dnevno.Ponavljati svakodnevno sve dok se ogolela mesta ne popune kosom.

What Is Alopecia Areata?

What Is Alopecia Areata?

Alopecia areata is considered an autoimmune disease, in which the immune system, which is designed to protect the body from foreign invaders such as viruses and bacteria, mistakenly attacks the hair follicles, the tiny
cup-shaped structures from which hairs grow. This can lead to hair loss on the scalp and elsewhere.

In most cases, hair falls out in small, round patches about the size of a quarter. In many cases, the disease does not extend beyond a few bare patches. In some people, hair loss is more extensive. Although uncommon, the disease can progress to cause total loss of hair on the head (referred to as alopecia areata totalis) or complete loss of hair on the head, face, and body (alopecia areata universalis).

Alopecia areata is just one cause of alopecia, or hair loss. Others include:

  • Traction alopecia – a condition that occurs when ponytails or tight braids put so much stress on the hair that it falls out. If this happens repeatedly it can cause scarring and root damage that will prevent hair from growing back.
  • Cicatricial alopecia – a group of related disorders in which inflammation destroys the hair follicles and replaces them with scar tissue. Also referred to as scarring alopecia, this cause of permanent hair loss is often seen in skin conditions such as discoid lupus
    erythematosus and lichen planus.
  • Androgenic alopecia – also called male-pattern or female-pattern baldness, a condition in which the growth phase of the normal hair cycle shortens, making hair more fragile. Over time hairs falls out easily leaving a characteristic pattern of thinning or baldness.
  • Trichotillomania – a mental condition in which people have an uncontrollable urge to pull out their hair. This can lead to patchy bald spots on the head.
  • Telogen effluvium – hair loss related to a change in the normal hair cycle. This may be caused by an emotional shock – such as the death of a loved one – or physical shock, such as high fever, illness or surgery.

We present the Marbo Hair collection, for 100 % natural hair care. All products are made of pure herbal extracts; they have strong effect and quick results, which is proven through twenty years dermatological practice. Marbo Activator is 100% natural formula for treatment of disease Alopecia Areata (appearance of bald patches). It activates growth of new hair on bald spots ant it is effective in all cases, from the mildest, with only one or several affected spots, to alopecia totalis, which results in complete loss of hair. It is gentle on the skin and causes no adverse effects even after months of continuous use. It is absorbed quickly and leaves no greasy residue. It provides an excellent corrective remedy that stimulates hair growth. It has been confirmed dermatologically that Marbo Activator is one of the most successful natural preparations for treatment of Alopecia Areata. This product can be effectively used for loss of all body and face hair. Does not contain drug and have no side effects.

The effectiveness of Marbo Hair has been tested on: 1) patients suffering from various, benign, forms of alopecia areata, 2) patients with negative prognosis (ophiasis), and 3) on patients suffering from total (malign) form of the disease. Retrospective examination performed from 1992 to 1998, comprised 437 patients of both sexes with different topografic disposition of the patches on a scalp.

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