четвртак, 29. март 2012.

Alopecia And Genetic Predisposition

Alopecia And Genetic Predisposition

The essence of the illness is that by some external or internal influence the cells of hair follicles change, which the immune system consequently identifies as alien and begins to create antibodies against them, to destroy them. The immune system cells – leucocytes – attack the fast growing cells in the hair follicles, where hair is formed. Hair first stops growing and then falls out of bulbs. That may occur at any age and afflicts 1% of the population, most often children. The afflicted persons have small hair follicles, which drastically slows down their hair growth. People with Alopecia areata more often suffer from thyroid illnesses, atopic eczema, allergic cold and asthma. Alopecia areata is not an infectious disease and is not caused by nutrition. Just as with many other health problems, it sometimes begins after a stressful event, but it doesn’t always have to be the case. It is not a life-jeopardizing illness and does not cause physical pain, but from an emotional perspective it can be very difficult. Alopecia areata is most often discovered while visiting the hairdresser because, in most cases, the initial loss is hidden.

Hair follicles of most men begin to react during a certain point in life thus increasing their level of DHT in the body. With some men, hair loss may already have begun by the age of 16 to 23. The luckier ones begin to lose hair at the age of 30 to 35. Some men however notice hair loss only after 50 or even much later. The speed of hair loss with androgenic alopecia depends especially on the genetic predisposition to hair loss and the level of DHT in hair follicles.

If you have someone in your family who suffers from hair loss, you can anticipate that you may also lose hair in a similar way and at approximately the same rate. This family member can be from the father's or the mother's side. It doesn't have to be a direct relative, but it might even be, for instance, a distant one, such as the brother of your grandmother. The amount of produced DHT in the body significantly affects the speed of hair loss. If the quantity of DHT reaches the point of sensitivity of your androgenic receptors, the hair begins to fall out. The more DHT the body produces, the faster the hair thins and falls out. Men first begin to lose hair on the sides of the scalp thus causing corners \to form. The corners gradually become bigger and bigger and then the hairline area begins to thin. This stage may be accompanied by hair loss in the back of the head in the vertex area. Gradually the patches of hair loss get bigger. Hair that covers the sides and the back bottom part of the head (typical shape of a horseshoe) is usually resistant to the effects of DHT in the whole course of a man's life. That is why most men do not lose hair in these areas.

Emotional and mental stress could also be the alopecia areata causes , as well as trauma, relocation, death in the family, pregnancy, illness, accident or other major life changes. If not the cause itself, with the people carrying the gene, it can be the trigger for the onset of the condition.

Specialist physicians in "Marbo Hair" dermatology wards performed over 15,000 screenings of patients who suffered from various types of alopecia. The patients included adults and children and physicians monitored the effect of the Marbo products – Activator, Lotion and Shampoo. The results clearly demonstrated that Marbo Activator is one of the most effective natural hair care products for growing new hair and that its effect is the fastest when applied together with Lotion and Shampoo. The Marbo Hair products earned patients’ trust because of their quality and effects. Their best advertisement is the countless satisfied users - our clients. Marbo products are current the only natural products for hair growth prescribed by physicians. Of course, you can also buy them in pharmacies without a prescription.

уторак, 27. март 2012.

All About Alopecia Areata

All About Alopecia Areata

According to studies, over 40% of men between the ages of 18 and 50 have a medium to severe type of baldness. Its occurrence and intensity increase with age. Hair is important for a person especially in terms of social communication. Hair loss is often perceived by the victim as loss of one’s identity, a decrease in one’s attractiveness and an increase of one's vulnerability.

Daily loss of 50 to 100 hairs does not necessarily mean a disorder. The average speed of hair growth is approximately 1.2 cm per month. Hair grows the fastest in summer and the slowest in autumn and winter. More significant slowing of hair growth comes only after the age of 70.
Male hormones positively affect body hair growth (which is attractive to many women), but on the other hand, they adversely affect hair on the scalp. Female hormones – estrogens – protect against hair loss, but their effect is less significant.

There are various hypotheses regarding alopecia areata causes . Genetic factors probably play a significant role because there is a higher frequency of alopecia areata in persons from within one family. As with most autoimmune illnesses, alopecia areata is related to a higher risk of other incurring autoimmune illnesses. Some chemical substances that are a part of the immune system - cytokines - may play a role in alopecia areata by inhibiting the growth of hair follicle. There are several recorded cases of born children with congenital alopecia areata, but these were not cases of the autoimmune illness because a child is born without a fully developed immune system.

The primary alopecia areata symptoms are round bald spots – patches - on the scalp. The first symptom most often appears with small children or possibly adolescents, but the illness may break out at any age. Hair loss may affect various parts of the scalp and it may happen that, at the same time when hair falls out at one place, it might start to grow from another. Any hair surface may be affected including eyebrows, eyelashes and the moustache. Sometimes the illness is accompanied by itching, pricking, pain or burning in the afflicted area. Some people with alopecia also have abnormalities on the surface of their nails.

Alopecia Areata causes psychological stress and deterioration of mental health. Considering the fact that hair loss often leads to significant changes of visage, some afflicted persons begin to avoid social contacts and can even suffer from social phobia, distress and depression. In severe cases when it seems that the chance to restore hair growth is minimal, patients need to consult with an expert. There is always a chance to solve the problem or at least lessen the difficulties that accompany this illness.

Specialist physicians in "Marbo Hair" dermatology wards performed over 15,000 screenings of patients who suffered from various types of alopecia. The patients included adults and children and physicians monitored the effect of the Marbo products – Activator, Lotion and Shampoo. The results clearly demonstrated that Marbo Activator is one of the most effective natural hair care
products for growing new hair and that its effect is the fastest when applied together with Lotion and Shampoo. The Marbo Hair products earned patients’ trust because of their quality and effects. Their best advertisement is the countless satisfied users - our clients. Marbo products are current the only natural products for hair growth prescribed by physicians. Of course, you can also buy them in pharmacies without a prescription.

понедељак, 26. март 2012.

Food And Alopecia Areata Connection

Food And Alopecia Areata Connection

What is the connection between poor diet and hair loss? Like other parts of the body, such as the skin and fingernails, that continue to grow throughout our lives, the hairs are composed of nutrients. Primarily, hairs, nails and skin cells are composed of proteins.

We get proteins it from meat, fish, poultry, beans, eggs and other foods. Bodybuilders understand the importance of protein in their diets. Without it, there can be no muscle-building activity.
One of the most recognized dietary links to Alopecia areata is cholesterol; as cholesterol is the base substance from which the body turns testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT has been shown to be the main culprit contributing to androgenic alopecia (male pattern baldness). A diet high in fat and cholesterol combined with excessive sedentary activity levels may accelerate the already pending hair loss. Reducing your fat intake combined with regular aerobic exercise is a powerful formula for combating baldness.

An overall healthy diet of lean proteins, vitamin rich plant foods and unprocessed starches contribute strongly to cell health in the body, but there are some specific things you should implement on a daily basis such as:

• Fruits and vegetables rich in Vitamins B, A, C and E as well as antioxidants are vital to increase circulation and oxygenation of the blood. This aids the body in its natural ability to fight diseases and infections of the scalp which result in hair loss.

• Lean meats including chicken and fish and other protein sources such as nuts help to maintain the protein levels required for regular hair growth and strength. The Omega-3 fatty acids available in such foods combat inflammation in the scalp. Inflammation will block the nutrients from flowing into the hair shafts.

• Drinking plenty of water is one of the most important aspects of a healthy diet. Dehydration is not alopecia areata causes alone, but numerous health issues in the body. In addition to flushing the toxins out of your system, water helps to transport essential nutrients into the hair. As lack of hydration also causes severe dry skin, it can lead to a buildup of dead skin cells on the scalp; which inhibits the flow of sebum, a natural conditioner our bodies produce, from flowing into the hair. Dry hair is subject to breakage increasing the appearance of thinning hair.

B Vitamins - They're crucial for strength, life and texture of the hair. Person lacking in B vitamins lose hair in bunches. It is found in wheat germ, chicken and fish. Vitamin B5 inspires hair growth, which can on occasion be obtained from egg yolk and multi grain cereals. Vitamin B6 aids the conversion of amino acids into niacin and is located abundantly in pork, chicken, oatmeal, sunflower seeds and avocado. Vitamin B12 is found to delay Alopecia areata which can sometimes be acquired from beef, fish, chicken, eggs and dairy goods.

Vitamin A - it's an anti- oxidant which reduces Loss of Hair by making healthy sebum in the scalp. It is abounding in fish liver oil, meat, milk, cheese, carrot, papaya, spinach, broccoli, cabbage, apricots and peaches.

Vitamin C - They work towards maintaining healthy hair. It also aids in enhancing the scalp circulation, thus forestalling hair loss.

Vitamin E - It is believed to increases the oxygen uptake, so stimulating the rate of blood circulation and fighting hair loss. The most important sources of vitamin E are plant oils such as soya, corn, olive, wheat germ oil, green leafy vegetables, dried beans, soya beans, nuts, raw seeds and green leafy vegetables.

For more information and relevant articles about Alopecia Areata Symptoms and causes please visit MarboHair.com

четвртак, 22. март 2012.

Alopecia Areata Symptoms and Causes

Alopecia Areata Symptoms and Causes

Alopecia Areata is an unpredictable disorder which causes hair loss in 2% of the population of the entire world. Experts and researchers are finding the causes, treatments and diagnosis. alopecia areata treatment has observed a change in the past 10 years. Studies have revealed various facts on the disorder, and more facts are still being revealed.

There are several signs and alopecia areata symptoms, including:

• Patchy hair loss: Most individuals with alopecia areata first notice the condition when they begin losing round patches of hair. The patches are usually about the size of a quarter. Hair loss is often noticed by clumps coming out while showering or excess hair found on the pillow in a person’s bed. The hair loss may stop after the original patches are found or may continue until the person is entirely bald. It can occur not only on the head but also on the eyebrows, on a beard, on the arms or legs, etc.
• Exclamation point hairs: The round patches of baldness on a person with alopecia areata are surrounding by short hairs that get narrower at the bottom, which causes them to resemble exclamation points.
• Nail problems: Alopecia areata can also affect a person’s fingernails and toenails by causing “pitting,” which is tiny, pinpoint dents on the nail surface. Sometimes, the nails also develop white spots or lines, become dull rather than shiny or get a rough texture. In some cases, the nails become thin and brittle to the point where they split or crack.
• Recurrence: In some cases, the hair that was lost will grow back and stay. In others the hair loss is permanent or will come and go over the years. The specific of how much hair is lost and for how long can vary from person to person.

A doctor can diagnose this condition with a physical assessment of a person’s hair loss. In other cases, a skin biopsy or hair sample can be used to confirm that an individual has the autoimmune disease. It’s important to see your doctor if you are experiencing patchy hair loss since this could be a sign of other, more dangerous conditions besides alopecia areata.

What about alopecia areata causes ? It isn't fully known why some people develop alopecia areata. It is an autoimmune disease, which means your body's immune system mistakenly attacks your hair follicles. This reaction prevents new hair from forming and causes existing hair to fall out.

About one in five people with hair loss have a family member who also has the condition. This suggests that alopecia may be genetic. Genes are found in every cell in your body and carry the codes that determine your characteristics such as your hair and eye color. You inherit your genes from your parents. It's possible that having a certain combination of genes makes you more likely to develop alopecia, although other factors also probably play a part. If you have another condition that involves your immune system such as eczema or are prone to allergies, you may be more at risk of alopecia.

There are a number of alopecia areata treatment that you may want to try, although their effectiveness varies for everyone. Some treatments for alopecia areata may encourage your hair to grow back, although none of these can completely cure the condition.

среда, 21. март 2012.

Alopecia Areata Treatment With Natural Formula

Alopecia Areata Treatment With Natural Formula

Alopecia Areata is a highly unpredictable, autoimmune skin disease that may lead to the loss of hair on the scalp and elsewhere on the body. This disease affects males and females of all ages and races, but it often begins in childhood. This disease affects approximately 2 percent of the population, or about 4.5 million people in the United States alone.

The exact cause of Alopecia Areata is unknown. It is thought that a combination of genes predisposes certain people to this disease, and some trigger-or possibly the confluence of several things-sets the disease off. The immune system then mistakenly attacks hair follicles, which shrink in size, arresting visible hair production.

Those that have been diagnosed and are looking for alopecia areata treatment options are often very emotional about their situation. They may become depressed and have trouble interacting with others out of fear of rejection. It is very important that they get the support that they need to make it through this very tough disease. alopecia areata causes us to feel vulnerable especially when our hair does not look its best. With an alopecia cure still at bay we need to educate ourselves with as much information as possible.

Currently there is no Alopecia Areata treatment that ensures a successful outcome. Although some of the treatments listed above have been proven to hinder the spread of alopecia areata, the search for a cure is ongoing. The most widely available alopecia areata treatment options include the following:

• Topical corticosteroids,
• Locally injected corticosteroids or a combination therapy using minoxidil.

Another alopecia treatment is photo chemotherapy, which is used most commonly to treat psoriasis. The patient is given a light-sensitive drug either orally or topically and then exposed to an ultraviolet light source. Some people also benefit from alternate therapies, such as acupuncture, aroma therapy, evening primrose oil, zinc and vitamin supplements, and Chinese herbs.

You can try natural Hair loss products too. Their ingredients full of vitamins and mineral salts stimulate local circulation and hair root renewal. They are easy to procure, inexpensive, and safe since they are natural and have no side effects. Marbo Activator is 100% natural formula that activates growth of new hair on thinning and bald regions. This product can be effectively used for loss of all body and face hair. Using regularly Marbo Activator stimulates new hair growth on thinning scalp and bald regions, while your hair becomes firmer and healthier. Ingredients are Rosemary (Rosmarinus Officinalis) Extract, Nettle (Urtica Dioica) Extract, Sage (Salvia Officinalis) Extract, Walnut (Juglans Regia) Seed Extract, Garlic (Allium Sativum) Extract, Chamomile (Matricaria Chamomilla) Extract, Birch (Betula Alba) Leaf Extract, White Willow (Salix Alba) Extract, Burdock (Arctium Lappa) Leaf Extract, Ivy (Hedera Helix) Leaf Extract.

уторак, 20. март 2012.

Who Gets Alopecia areata And Treatment?

Who Gets Alopecia areata And Treatment?

What alopecia areata causes are? Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease. Autoimmune means that the body's immune system attacks the body. When alopecia areata develops, the body attacks its own hair follicles. A person's genetic makeup, combined with other factors, triggers this form of hair loss. People with alopecia areata may have a higher risk for:

• Another autoimmune disease such as thyroid disease or vitiligo (patches of lighter skin appear).
• Asthma and allergies, mainly atopic dermatitis (more commonly called eczema) and hay fever (nasal allergies).
• Having relatives who have asthma, allergies, or an autoimmune disease such as type 1 diabetes.

Who gets alopecia areata? People can have this type of hair loss at any age. It often begins in childhood. Some patients with alopecia have a family member who also has the disease. A dermatologist may prescribe one or more of the following to help the hair re-grow more quickly:
Corticosteroids: This medicine suppresses the immune system. It can be given as shots, with the dermatologist injecting the medicine into the places with hair loss. Sometimes a patient gets a topical (applied to the skin) form of this medicine. It may be a cream, lotion, or ointment. The patient applies the medicine to the bare spots. Less often, patients take corticosteroid pills.

For adults with Alopecia areata , these shots are often the first treatment tried. Patients receive shots every 3 to 6 weeks. Hair growth begins about 4 weeks after the last shot. Sometimes, it takes longer. Topical corticosteroids are less effective than shots. This is often the best treatment for children. Corticosteroid pills can have serious side effects. Dermatologists do not routinely prescribe them for this reason. Pills may be a treatment choice for patients with many bald spots.

• Minoxidil: A hair re-growth medicine, minoxidil 5%, may help some patients re-grow their hair. Both children and adults can use it. Patients apply it twice a day to the scalp, brows, or beard. New hair may start to grow in about 3 months. Patients most often use this medicine with another treatment.

• Anthralin: This medicine alters the skin’s immune function. The patient applies a tar-like substance to the skin and leaves it on for 20 to 60 minutes. A dermatologist may call this short-contact therapy. After 20 to 60 minutes, the anthralin is washed off to avoid the skin from becoming irritated.

• Diphencyprone (DPCP): This medicine is applied to the bald skin. It causes a small allergic reaction. When the reaction occurs, a patient has redness, swelling, and itching. Dermatologists believe this allergic reaction tricks the immune system, causing it to send white blood cells to the surface of the scalp. This fights the inflammation. It also prevents the hair follicles from going to sleep, and causing the hair loss. With DPCP, it can take 3 months for the hair to start re-growing.

When a person has alopecia areata, the hair will start to re-grow when the body gets the right signals. Sometimes this happens without treatment. Even with alopecia areata treatment , new hair loss can occur. Everything depends on how the immune system reacts. The following explains what can happen.

• Re-growing hair: It is likely that the hair will grow back even without treatment. It may fall out again, though. Most patients lose their hair more than once before the disease goes away for good. Even people who lose all the hair on their scalp and body can have their hair grow back. When hair loss is widespread (lots of hair loss on the scalp and/or body), there is a greater chance that the hair will not re-grow. When hair re-grows, it can be white or fine at first. A person’s own hair color and texture often return later.

• How long it lasts: This varies. For some people, the disease never returns. Others lose and re-grow hair for many years. No one can predict when the hair might re-grow or fall out again. This lack of control makes the disease frustrating.

Emotional toll: The emotional aspects of living with hair loss can be hard. Our world regards hair as a sign of youth and good health. The good news is that Alopecia areata
• does not affect overall health. It should not stop you from achieving your goals and dreams. You should not let it stop you from doing well in school, sports, and work.

For more information on alopecia areata treatment please visit Marbo Hair collection website. You will find all relevant help and advices about hair loss.

понедељак, 19. март 2012.

Natural Products against Alopecia Areata

Natural Products against Alopecia Areata

Marbo HairSo you want to do something to prevent your hair loss. While there are a number of methods available to do this, choosing a natural hair loss product is certainly your best option. These hair loss products are meant to prevent imbalances in the body that are often the root causes of hair loss.

There should be an herbal supplement. While topical solutions may help to prevent hair loss, to truly regrow hair the body's internal systems must be kept healthy. This is best done with a natural supplement of essential herbs and minerals.

Of course when choosing a natural hair loss product you will want to do some research? I have found forums and blog comments to be the most helpful in this area. People are quite willing to share their feelings on a product in these venues and a large number of positive or negative posts can help decide which products to check out.

You should also give the product's website a thorough look through. They should offer a good explanation of how the product works as well as research and test results to back up their claims. You should also locate their customer service phone number in case you have any questions before ordering. If there's no phone support you should probably choose a different hair loss product.
Keep in mind regardless of the natural hair care product you choose you will need to stick with it for at least the time of the guarantee as it usually takes 2-3 months to see results from any product. Also some products that work great for some people may not do as well for others.

When it comes to hair products, there are probably thousands of products to choose from. And choosing which product to use depends on a lot of factors such as the type of hair, the condition of the hair, and the user's preference, among many others. Choosing the right hair product is a daunting task and ending up with a wrong product may cause more harm than good. Among the products available in the market today, the ones that are starting to gain popularity are all natural hair care products.

This also means that no chemicals or artificial substances are being added to the product, making it safer to use. Using these types of product has a lot of advantages. A product that is all natural is formulated from natural ingredients. So you are rest assured that the product does not contain harmful chemicals that may damage your hair. Remember that human hair can be very sensitive when exposed to certain chemicals, such as hair dyes and straightening agents, which can cause the hair to become dry, lifeless, and prone to brittles and damages.

One of the best-selling products in the market these days is Marbo Hair. It is 100% natural collection to help you grow your natural hair back. We pride ourselves with Marbo Activator as one of our best product against Alopecia areata . Our entire collection was made using only natural ingredients with no artificial colors or perfumes, and can be used for all types of hair loss.

петак, 16. март 2012.

Types of nail problems in alopecia

Types of nail problems in alopecia

Alopecia areata (AA) is a immune mediated, disease presenting with non-cicatricial alopecia occurring in a circumscribed or generalized pattern. Apart from hair, abnormalities of nails and eyes have been reported specially in more severe varieties like alopecia totalis and universalis. Nail involvement in AA may either precede or follow development of alopecia patches. Nail changes may persist for a long period of time after complete hair regrowth.

Despite untiring efforts by medical researchers in the field of alopecia areata, the exact causes of the disease are still largely unknown, and the causes of nail changes remain obscure. However, it seems likely that because the nails are similar in structure and growth to hair follicles, that the nails are targeted by the same type of inflammatory cells that target hair follicles in alopecia areata. Nail changes in alopecia areata may involve all, some, or just one of the nails. The aberrant nail changes as seen in alopecia areata patients include the following:

• Nail pitting is the most commonly seen abnormality and represents irregular keratinization in the nail matrix. When an inflammatory condition affects the nail matrix keratin is formed abnormally. This abnormal keratin detaches itself from the nail plate leaving behind punctuated depressions or pits in the nail plate.
• Longitudinal ridging or striations can also be found and are probably a result of mild disruption of the nail matrix which produces the nail plate.
• Koilonychia is represented by transverse and longitudinal concavity of the nail, resulting in a "spoon-shaped" nail. The spoon-shaped, concave nails of koilonychia commonly occur as a result of thinning and softening of the nail plate.
• Onychorrhexis are brittle nails, which often split vertically, peel and/or have vertical ridges.
• Spotting of the lunula, the white half-moon shaped portion often seen through the nail plate.
• Onycholysis is the distal (away from the point of attachment at the root) separation of the nail plate from the underlying nail bed.
• Onychomadesis is the proximal (close to the nail root) separation of the nail plate from the nail bed, which typically results in shedding of the nail. The precipitating event causes complete cessation of nail matrix activity.
• Periungual erythema or redness of the skin around the nail may be present in patients experiencing active inflammation in the nail matrix.
• Anonychia (absence of nails) and scarring are not seen.

Fragments of nail keratin can be removed and observed by using both light and electron microscopic techniques. Documentation of such research shows that most of the nail changes seen in alopecia areata have been found to be related to changes within the proximal matrix. The extent of disease seems to be maximum within the proximal matrix, minor in the distal matrix and negligible in the nail bed, with the subungual (beneath the nail) keratin being largely preserved.

Marbo Hair collection is for 100 % natural hair care . All products are made of pure herbal extracts; they have strong effect and quick results, which is proven through twenty years dermatological testing.

четвртак, 15. март 2012.

How Alopecia Areata Effects On Everyday Life

How Alopecia Areata Effects On Everyday Life

Alopecia Areata in the workplace

Though an alopecia areata diagnosis would have no effect on one's ability to perform in the workplace, many times individuals become distracted by their new appearance and the perceived reactions from co-workers.

Whether or not you decide to open up about your alopecia areata in the workplace is entirely up to you. For many individuals, it depends on the nature of their work environment, the level of closeness they feel with their co-workers, and ultimately, the level of safety they feel in discussing what they are going through.

There are many different ways individuals have opened up about their alopecia areata in their workplace, though it generally involves a component of education about the disease. If you would like to hear about different strategies used to educate the workplace about alopecia areata, as well as different ways that individuals have opened up about their disease, please contact the NAAF office.

Alopecia Areata in School

It is important to educate the administration, teachers and fellow students of your child about alopecia. Though the autoimmune disease is common, many people still do not know about alopecia areata. It is important to stress, particularly in a classroom setting, that your child is not sick, that alopecia areata is not contagious, and that alopecia areata will not limit a child from doing all of the activities that other children do.

The National Alopecia Areata Foundation has created a School Pack to help parents, teachers and administrators educate students about alopecia areata. Please contact NAAF if you would like a hard copy mailed to you directly.

Alopecia Areata in Relationships

The alopecia areata diagnosis in adulthood differs from the diagnosis in children in that once most individuals have entered adulthood, they have established their place in society. Most adults are involved in many relationships based on their identity, including how they view themselves and how they are viewed by the world.

Opening up to a significant other about one's alopecia areata can be a stressful endeavor. Many individuals choose to do this immediately upon embarking in an emotional relationship with someone, while others choose to wait until deeper trust in this significant other has been established.

NAAF has heard many inspiring stories about how individuals have shared their experiences with alopecia areata with a loved one, and we would love to share these with you. If you are unsure about how to open up about your alopecia areata, please contact the NAAF office for support!

Having Children after an Alopecia Areata Diagnosis

As an adult with this disease, the question of having children is practically inevitable. Many adults with alopecia worry that they will have children with alopecia, which impacts their outlook on bearing children. Though no one will be able to give you a definite answer as to whether or not you will have a child with alopecia areata, the odds are in favor of not letting the disease stop you. There is a one in five chance that an individual with alopecia areata could pass the disease onto their children, though there are many individuals who have had more than five children, none of whom became affected. Ultimately, the choice is up to you and your partner. If you would like to discuss this more with the NAAF office, please feel free to contact us

Source: National Alopecia Areata Foundation

среда, 14. март 2012.

Psychological Effects of Alopecia Areata


Psychological Effects of Alopecia Areata

Alopecia AreataAlopecia areata is a common condition that does not discriminate. It can occur at any age, and affects males and females equally. Though many men without alopecia areata lose or have lost their hair, and the bald look on men has become acceptable if not desirable, adapting to a diagnosis of alopecia as a man can still be extremely difficult. Women with alopecia are immediately confronted with the drastic change in their appearance, and the implications of this on how they view themselves and how society views them.

Although not life-threatening, alopecia is most certainly life-altering, and its sudden onset, recurrent episodes, and unpredictable course have a profound psychological impact on the lives of those disrupted by this disease. But there is hope. In all cases, hair re-growth may occur even without treatment and even after many years. People who have alopecia areata and their family members often experience a variety of feelings and frustrations. Reactions to the disease include the following:

• Alone, withdrawn, and isolated
• Loss and grief
• Fear that others may find out you have the disease
• Fear that others may find out that you wear a wig
• Sadness and depression
• Hopelessness
• Anger
• Embarrassment
• Guilt or self-blame that you somehow brought the disease on yourself
• Guilt related to how the disease is affecting family members and loved ones
• Frantic in regard to searching for an answer or cure (going to extremes)
• For parents, guilt that they may have genetically contributed to their child’s disease
• For parents, helplessness that they cannot stop the disease or help ease their child’s pain
• For siblings and other family members, shame and anger because the disease has also affected their lives.

For many people, alopecia areata is experienced as a trauma. The disease can also be traumatic for the parents or other family members of those who have the disease. Many people who have experienced trauma find it helpful to talk with a mental health professional that can help them work through their feelings and learn coping skills. A good way to know if you need counseling is to examine how alopecia areata is affecting your life.

One way to find a mental health professional is by asking your physician for a referral. Another way is to call your local mental health association or crisis hotline and ask for a referral. You might also want to ask a friend or NAAF fellow support group member who has been in counseling for a personal recommendation.

After an alopecia diagnosis, it is important to realize that you are not alone. NAAF has developed many programs aimed at connecting individuals who have alopecia areata in common. Whether you would like to talk with another parent on the telephone, or you would prefer to have your family attend a local support group, NAAF can help. It will do you no good to keep your questions and your feelings bottled inside; there is somebody who will understand, and may even have a bit of valuable advice.

Source: National Alopecia Areata Foundation

понедељак, 12. март 2012.

Hair Loss and Kids

Hair Loss and Kids

Alopecia AreataAlopecia areata is a hair loss condition that causes the rapid onset of round patches of baldness. The cause of alopecia areata is unknown, although in some cases, alopecia areata has been associated with autoimmune diseases. Unfortunately, hair loss is a common symptom, even in kids. In many cases, the hair loss is temporary though, and the child's hair does grow back.

Telogen effluvium is cause of hair loss in children, but this condition is often poorly understood by parents. Children with telogen effluvium have often had a recent illness, typically with a high fever, surgery, sudden weight loss, or even an emotional stress, and then suddenly lose a lot of hair about six weeks to three months later.

Other common causes of hair loss in children and teens include:

• bacterial infections can causes some hair loss that appears similar to tinea capitis with scaling. But instead of being caused by ringworm, it is often caused by the staph aureaus bacteria.
• traction alopecia is common in kids who wear tight braids or ponytails and in newborns and infants who lose hair on the back of their head from rubbing it against their crib.
• hair pulling or stroking can be a habit for infants and toddlers, just like thumb sucking, sucking on a pacifier, or rubbing a blanket. It usually stops when kids are around two or three years old, just like thumb sucking, although some continue pulling until they are three to five years old. Although you can ignore this habit, since it does sometimes cause some hair loss, you could keep your child's hair cut short or try to move her to one of those other habits if it bothers you.
• trichotillomania is thought to be related to obsessive-compulsive disorder and is defined as a child or teen who compulsively pulls out her hair, feels tension before pulling or when trying to resist pulling, and feels pleasure, gratification, or relief when pulling her hair out. These children have noticeable hair loss and often need treatment from a child psychiatrist and/or child psychologist who specializes in trichotillomania.
alopecia areata is thought to be an autoimmune disorder (the child's immune's system attacks the hair follicles) that causes complete hair loss in round or oval patches on a child's scalp or other body part. Unlike ringworm, the scalp involved in the round patches of alopecia areata is completely smooth, without redness or scale. Treatments include steroid injections and some topical medications (such as minoxidil, anthralin cream, or high dose steroid creams). Fortunately, hair growth often eventually occurs on its own, too.
• alopecia totalis and alopecia universalis are similar to alopecia areata , except that the child loses all scalp hair (alopecia totalis) or all scalp hair and all body hair (alopecia universalis). The chances for treatment success and hair regrowth are less for alopecia totalis and alopecia universalis than they are for alopecia areata. A pediatric dermatologist can help treat your child with any of these disorders. In addition to the treatments already mentioned for alopecia areata, other treatments might include ultraviolet light therapy (PUVA), oral steroids, or oral cyclosporine. A high-quality wig is sometimes the best treatment though.

Marbo Hair collections are for 100 % Natural Hair Care . All products are made of pure herbal extracts; they have strong effect and quick results, which is proven through twenty years dermatological practice. Does not contain drug and have no side effects. It activates growth of new hair on bald spots ant it is effective in all cases.

петак, 9. март 2012.

Hair Loss Prevention

Hair Loss Prevention

Marbo Hair
There are a lot of things that one can do in order to avoid further denudation of the scalp ( alopecia areata ) or hair loss. Normally loss of 10-100 hairs daily is not a problem but when the lost hair is not replaced with the newly growing hair then the hair loss becomes a permanent.

It is quite important to be proactive in preventing hair loss as this condition causes emotional disorders and physical havoc in an individual. There are many factors which can make you lose your hair. In men and women, hair loss can be caused by different lifestyle factors.

Those people who have a genetic history of hair fall need to consult their physician whenever they discover that there are signs of hair loss. Physicians need to be told by them that they have a history of hair fall and investigate that is this hair fall due to some side effect of any type of medicine.

Further causes of hair loss include thyroid diseases, low levels of iron in your body, and certain prescriptive drugs given for blood thymes, acne arthritis, and heart disease. Hair loss can also occur in women who take birth control pills, as well as after giving birth. Here are some advices for alopecia areata prevention:

1. Never wash your hair with too hot water
2. Try to use a mild shampoo to wash your hair
3. Never form a habit of brushing the hair too much
4. Always keep your scalp and hair clean
5. Oil massage is very good for your scalp. Use hot coconut oil or almond oil for your scalp.
6. Always use conditioner for your hair to keep them fine
7. Use a pack of honey and egg yolk for your hair.

Drink more water every day to help the body stay hydrated and help grow healthy hair.
Consume additional protein daily. Hair is made from protein and hair growth responds well to the inclusion of lean animal proteins and other forms of healthy protein added to the diet. Reduce alcohol consumption and cigarette smoking to prevent thinning hair.

Dietary supplements may also help against alopecia areata . The ingredients to keep an eye out for are vitamins like B6 (which supports many of the body's functions, including hair growth) and Biotin (supports healthy hair, skin, and nails), minerals including Magnesium (which works together with calcium to promote hair growth).

Natural ProductsMarbo Hair Collection is 100% natural Hair loss products without the harsh chemicals like many other hair treatments contain. It is risk-free and easy to apply. This hair loss prevention product has all pure ingredients that make it safer to use on a daily basis. They have strong effect and quick results, which is proven through twenty years dermatological examination. They activates growth of new hair on bald spots ant it is effective in all cases, from the mildest, with only one or several affected spots, to alopecia totalis, which results in complete loss of hair.

среда, 7. март 2012.

Recommended Alopecia Areata Foods

Recommended Alopecia Areata Foods

Alopecia AreataAlopecia is auto-immune disorder that will eventually lead to your loss of hair. This condition has been known to primarily affect the scalp, although it has also been found to affect other parts of the body. Alopecia areata is not benign, but it can have severe psychological effects on both, men and women.

Medical experts agree that hair loss occurs on individuals with certain deficiencies in some important nutrients. A healthy diet can be rightfully called as an effective hair loss solution. There are several different types of foods that can help alleviate or control alopecia to some extent. If you are undergoing treatment for alopecia, it is best for you to include higher amounts of such foods in your diet. Given below are some of the most commonly recommended Alopecia areata foods?

• Non animal sources of protein, like whole grains, beans, nuts and seeds
• Foods that are high in calcium, such as tofu, soy products, nuts, nut milks, soymilk and certain leafy greens
• Healthy fats like olive oil, canola oil, walnuts, flax seed and hemp seed
• Omega-3 fatty acids, found in herring, mackerel, trout, sardines, tuna and salmon
• Fresh fruits and vegetables, as they are high in antioxidants
• Vitamin B rich foods, like nuts, carrots, chard, romaine lettuce and tomatoes

There are several different foods that aggravate the condition and therefore should be strictly avoided too. Given below are some of the common foods that should be reduced by people suffering from this condition:

• Animal fat, especially meat,
• Acidic food and other substances that trigger off inflammation,
• Milk and dairy products,
• Sweets and other sugary foods,
• Refined foods, like bakery items,
• Fried, oily and greasy food.

Before you start following any of the dietary recommendations for this autoimmune disorder, it is absolutely essential for you to get yourself tested for allergies. Any food that triggers off an allergic reaction in you can lead to alopecia or at least worsen the condition significantly. Therefore, you could avoid suffering from Alopecia areata due to a food allergy, by identifying which foods trigger off a negative reaction. Several people have seen a difference in their hair volume after eliminating gluten, wheat products, dairy or nuts from their diet. Have a word with your doctor prior to making any dietary changes.
Apart from a diet and nutrition, patients are also advised to spend at least 20 minutes or so in the sun to maintain adequate levels of vitamin D in the body.

And one final Alopecia areata advice - Avoid excessive smoking, alcohol, and not the daily lives of normally, because smoking causes the blood through to the scalp micro vascular function affected, and thus have a negative impact on the hair.

понедељак, 5. март 2012.

Some Basic Advices Against Alopecia Areata

Some Basic Advices Against Alopecia Areata

Alopecia AreataHair loss affects people in different ways. It may affect emotionally, socially or psychologically. Most people are afraid to be laughed at or ridiculed. This leads to people keeping to themselves. However, hair loss is a common condition and affects almost everyone in this world. Fortunately, scientists understand this and continue to research on the different types of disorders affecting hair growth. Knowing what is affecting your hair growth helps to identify the right treatment to administer. Scientists are also researching on the different types of treatments that can be used, their effectiveness and side effects.

Alopecia areata can affect men and women in equal proportions. The disorder can also affect children. It may be necessary to consult a medical professional before undertaking treatment.
Here are some advices from hair experts:

• Keep your hair and scalp clean. Wash your hair with mild shampoo to take away dirt and oil in your scalp. Keeping your hair and scalp clean is the most important hair loss advice. Frequent shampooing is advised if you have an oily scalp with thinning hair. These surface oils contain high levels of testosterone, which can re-renter the skin and affect the hair follicle.

• Eat a balanced diet. Diet may play a role in the normal process of hair growth. Vitamin deficiency is also a major player in hair loss incidence. Deficiency of zinc, manganese, iron, vitamin B6, biotin… You must eat a therapeutic diet if you want to be successful with natural therapies to address your health concerns. We like nutritional supplements and herbs largely because they are gently effective, with rare to no side effects.

• Avoid hair dryers and chemicals in your hair. Hair dryers and chemicals may upset and irritate the skin in your head. If the scalp becomes too dry or chemically damages, hair loss is going to happen soon.

• Scalp massage, proper blood circulation helps the body to become healthy and strong. This goes with the hair as well. It is good hair loss advice that you massage your scalp as you shampoo. It will help your blood to circulate properly and thus will induce healthy regrowth of hair.

• Hormones are common causes of alopecia areata . Diet and exercise are key to maintaining optimal hormone balance.

Eating a well-balanced diet and avoiding potentially damaging hair treatments can help prevent some types of hair loss. The primary goals of treatment are to treat the underlying cause, regrow the hair when possible, and correct damaging grooming practices.

Herbs are generally a safe way to strengthen and tone the body's systems. As with any therapy, you should work with your health care provider to diagnose your problem before starting any treatment.

Whenever you are in search of natural hair loss products , searching the ideal hair care products can be a really challenging. When someone tried natural hair products they are simply addicted on them. You know why, because they have not side effects and they are totally safe for everyday use. Product on purely natural basis contains minerals and vitamins can be tremendous help with hair growth. The most frequently used vitamins for hair growth are natural B12 and vitamin C. Vitamin E is additional vitamin which is useful for hair renewing. The vitamins help strengthen your hair and sustaining good shape of it. They contain herbal ingredients from different medicinal herbs. Because of that they can stimulate local circulation and hair root renewal. Herb ingredients’ can activates growth of new hair on bald spots ant it is effective in all cases, from the mildest, with only one or several affected spots, to alopecia totalis, which results in complete loss of hair.

Marbo Hair collections are for 100 % Natural Hair Care . All products are made of pure herbal extracts; they have strong effect and quick results, which is proven through twenty years dermatological practice. Marbo Activator can be effectively used for loss of all body and face hair. Does not contain drug and have no side effects. It activates growth of new hair on bald spots ant it is effective in all cases.

петак, 2. март 2012.

Most Commonly Used Remedies for Alopecia Areata

Most Commonly Used Remedies for Alopecia Areata

Alopecia AreataAlopecia Alopecia is a disorder that affects the hair growth usually in two ways. The first way is when hair follicles get damaged and this affects the growth of hair. The second way is when the hair cycle is disturbed, either the growing period is shortened or the resting period is lengthened. Alopecia has been classified into different disorders that affect the hair in different manners. Alopecia areata is one type of disorder which results in hair being lost in patches.

Depending on the location and the severity of the attack, there are different types of alopecia areata:

• Diffuse Alopecia Areata- This is where hair is lost all over the scalp.
• Alopecia Areata Barbae- This is where it is confined to the beard.
• Alopecia Areata Universalis- This is where hair is lost all over the body including the scalp, eye brows, eye lashes, pubic hairs, nose hairs, etc.

These are the products that are most people use for stimulating hair growth:

1. Daily application of minoxidil (Rogaine).
2. Injection of cortisone into patchy areas of the scalp (this must be administered by a physician). Creams and lotions containing cortisone can also be used but results are variable.
3. Dithranol can be applied to the scalp in mild or early cases.
4. Application of 100% aloe vera gel.
5. Massage the scalp with rosemary and lavender essential oils in a jojoba base.
6. Use of a hair loss product containing the Chinese herb He Shou Wu.
7. A product called Calosol has recently generated positive feedback.

Please note, however, that none of these is guaranteed to work due to the unpredictable nature of alopecia areata.

There are a large number of Hair loss products out there that claim to help men deal with hair loss. You should make sure you do some research before you decide which one to use. The results aren’t often that good. However, most have not yet tried natural medicine as a solution to their problem. There is a lot of product for Natural Hair Care on the market today.

Marbo Hair is one of the products who are 100 % natural. This product can be effectively used for loss of all body and face hair. This product can be effectively used for loss of all body and face hair. Using regularly Marbo Activator stimulates new hair growth on thinning scalp and bald regions, while your hair becomes firmer and healthier. All products are made of pure herbal extracts; they have strong effect and quick results, which is proven through twenty years dermatological practice it activates growth of new hair on bald spots. Marbo Hair is a very popular supplement for people looking for a natural alopecia cure. There is a lot of information on the web about Marbo Hair products (activator, hair loss shampoo, lotion) and its potential for dealing with AA.

четвртак, 1. март 2012.

Hair Loss Can Affects Everyone

Hair Loss Can Affects Everyone

Hair Loss
Alopecia Areata is a condition that occurs without warning. It can happen overnight. It is characterized by the appearance of bald patches in the head. It is believed to be the result of an immune system imbalance which causes it to attack hair follicles which in turn, causes hair loss or prevents hair growth in the affected area.

According to the National Alopecia areata Foundation (NAAF) these common but very challenging diseases affect approximately 1.7 percent of the population overall, including more than 4.7 million people in the United States alone. A figure of close to a million has recently been suggested for the United Kingdom population alone and as we can see it's a lot more common than we think.
There are several different variables that have been known to cause a person to lose their hair, including genetics, vitamin deficiencies, poor diet, stress, lack of exercise…

Most of the time, balding is equated to aging. But the truth is hair loss affects children as much as it affects adults. In fact, around 3% of pediatric visits are attributed to hair loss. Alopecia is a serious condition and can be a devastating one at that. On the bright side, with proper diagnosis, Alopecia in children can be treated successfully.

It is important that sufferers diagnose their condition correctly by visiting their doctor and undergoing a series of blood tests to check factors such as hormone levels. This will allow your physician or dermatologist to accurately diagnose your condition and recommend an appropriate treatment regime.

Alopecia Areata is a terrible disease that affects many children across the world. This is a difficult disease to deal with alone. You should understand the causes of your hair loss before trying any of these Hair loss products .

Common treatments for the condition include once per month cortisone injections, topical minoxidil, Anthralin cream, known for treatment of psoriases, cortisone pills, but there are health risks with long-term use, topical immunotherapy will produce an itchy rash and a wig at most any stage can be a viable option for many.

For fully Natural Hair Care loss products you should visit Marbo Hair recommended resource on dealing with medical hair loss and start your full natural treatment. All products are made of pure herbal extracts; they have strong effect and quick results, which is proven through twenty years dermatological practice It activates growth of new hair on bald spots ant it is effective in all cases, from the mildest, with only one or several affected spots, to alopecia totalis, which results in complete loss of hair. This product can be effectively used for loss of all body and face hair. Does not contain drug and have no side effects.

Marbo Activator is 100% natural formula that activates growth of new hair on thinning and bald regions. Effective in most cases of hair loss, especially Alopecia Areata. This product can be effectively used for loss of all body and face hair. Using regularly Marbo Activator stimulates new hair growth on thinning scalp and bald regions, while your hair becomes firmer and healthier.